☞ Free Electronic Signature software to get your contracts signed
☞ Usually cost $45.00+ in the U.S.
☞ International Notary starts at $75+
☞As a JVP Partner you pay ½ the cost and we pay the other ½
☞ International Notary starts at $75+
☞As a JVP Partner you pay ½ the cost and we pay the other ½
☞You can pay for legal services upfront via a retainer
☞ You can pay for legal services on a contingency basis
☞ You can have your legal services for FREE as a JVP Partner!
☞ You can pay for legal services on a contingency basis
☞ You can have your legal services for FREE as a JVP Partner!
Now that you know what your business entails, let’s look at the actual costs to run your business successfully…
JVP Partner: $99.00 on a month to month basis, no long-term contracts, with a one time set up fee of $49.00. You are fully reimbursed for what you’ve paid on your first paid case!
Here’s what our JVP Partnership includes:
While it is our desire not to charge our JVP partners for our services, we have found
that it is necessary to do so. (This is the reason why we fully reimburse our JVP partners for the services that they paid out of pocket, upon their 1st paid case. This by the way, goes on indefinitely, i.e., 2nd case, 3rd case, ... Also, we do not charge JVP partners for other services we provide, such as the usage of our CRM, SCRIPTS, etc. Here is what is included for your monthly fee when you become a JVP Partner with us:
☀Free New Researched Leads for Mortgage Foreclosure Surplus & Tax Deed Overages. (All leads have been researched so you don’t have to!)
☀Skip Tracing -Have All your leads Skip Traced Deeply! Not just one level -We go deep! We want to find them just as much as you do!
$2.00 / lead as a JVP Partner (fully reimbursable)
☀Free Electronic Signature software to get your contracts signed
☀Free use of our Custom-Tailored CRM!
☀24/7 support for our CRM by us or your personal concierge
☀Shared cost of the Notary!
☀No Legal Fees!
☀Free Scripts
-Phone script
-Email to customer script
-Text to customer script
-Text to relatives script
-Text to heirs of decedent script
☀Free support and assistance with your cases. If we can help, we will.
We have a vested interest in your success!
☀50 / 50 Split of Net Fees
☀Close your first case with us and get reimbursed what you've paid!
☞ Excel Spreadsheets
☞ Google Sheets
☞ A CRM -will organize your leads, files, paperwork, tasks, scheduled events, notes, history of transactions and all aspects of your business. Our custom-tailored CRM is FREE to JVP’s!
☞ Google Sheets
☞ A CRM -will organize your leads, files, paperwork, tasks, scheduled events, notes, history of transactions and all aspects of your business. Our custom-tailored CRM is FREE to JVP’s!
☞ Obtain free lists from Counties -(you get what you pay for)
☞ Purchase lists from Counties -(you get what everyone pays for)
☞ Track Auctions from start to finish and make your own lists
(very time consuming) but FREE
☞ Buy leads
☞ Get FREE LEADS as a JVP Partner!
☞ Purchase lists from Counties -(you get what everyone pays for)
☞ Track Auctions from start to finish and make your own lists
(very time consuming) but FREE
☞ Buy leads
☞ Get FREE LEADS as a JVP Partner!
☞ FREE Skip tracing services -Good Luck!
☞ FIVERR and hire someone to skip trace your leads $$$
☞ Lease a good Skip Tracing service ($80.00 - $140.00 monthly)
☞ Have your leads Skip Traced by us for $2.00 a lead as a JVP Partner and be fully reimbursed on your 1st paid case, 2nd paid case, etc!
☞ FIVERR and hire someone to skip trace your leads $$$
☞ Lease a good Skip Tracing service ($80.00 - $140.00 monthly)
☞ Have your leads Skip Traced by us for $2.00 a lead as a JVP Partner and be fully reimbursed on your 1st paid case, 2nd paid case, etc!
Did you take a course to get started in the Overage Business and pay $1,500-$2,000?
If not, that’s more of a reason to partner with us. We can help you learn while you earn! “A wise man/woman is not someone who learns by making mistakes, but rather he/she learns from those who have already made those mistakes.” Are you wise?
Here are the main components of the Overage business that you will have to acquire either on your own or with us as a JVP (Joint Venture Partner)
If not, that’s more of a reason to partner with us. We can help you learn while you earn! “A wise man/woman is not someone who learns by making mistakes, but rather he/she learns from those who have already made those mistakes.” Are you wise?
Here are the main components of the Overage business that you will have to acquire either on your own or with us as a JVP (Joint Venture Partner)
Lawyer |
Skip Tracing
Mobile Notary